Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The premiere of K63 this year will be on Saturday November 15th at the Mayfair Theatre in Ottawa (late late show).

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Lots of Killer63 stuff going on. I've been crazy busy though (as is everyone on the planet now-a-days it seems), hence I've been a bit neglectful of my blogger duties. So, I'll hit you with a bit of an update here, then hopefully next time (or if not next time then soon after next time) I'll have some pictures from the other filmmakers to share.

As it stands at the moment, our official participants are:

Bonnie Robinson
Chris Chitaroni & Jimm Moir
Jera Kenez
Harry Windsor
Paul Gordon
Melanie Mortersen
Deny Trudel
Ralph Gethings

...along with myself. On top of that there's another five or six filmmakers I'm still trying to peer pressure into participating. And a bunch of new folks submitting stuff as well. Number of films shown will depend on a few factors (like length of individual projects), but the intention is to have a bunch of shorts that accumulate to be the same length as a feature film (so likely around 90 minutes +).

Here's a bit of bio and project info on some of the filmmakers and their projects:


She was contemplating one of two scripts. I think the one she's decided on involves a dead cat prop and kindah' has the feel of an old Tales from the Crypt comic (or TV episode).

Chris & Jimm:

They've also got two scripts finished between them that they were story-boarding and casting for. Last bit of news I got from Chris was that he had done some cool haunted house filming for it.


This will be Jera's third short for the Killer63. His first two efforts had this great signature look to them thanks to some nice cinematography and lots of post-production work. I look forward to more of the same this year.


A digital animator/VFX Artist for both film and TV, Harry helps writers and directors realize their ideas. Harry has acted in short films and is currently working on animations for "Truth Duty Valour" and on a political satire for Fred Graver's "Remix America".


This will be Paul's first film screened at the Killer63. Though he was a great help behind the scenes for our first two events, helping get together the screening version of all the projects for the premiere, and was our contact at the Mayfair Theatre.


She just finished up a different horror project (called 'The Horror'), and is now onto working on a new one titled 'Plans' for the Killer63 screening.


A great fx guy, Ralph participated in year one of our event, and we're happy to have him back this year.


I worked on the crew of Bonnie's project with Denny for last years event. He's jumping on board to make his own project this year.


I'm off to try and finish writin' my script now. More news soon!