Friday, October 31, 2008

Bonnie Robinson (director) and Firuz Daud (cinematographer) setting up a shot on the set of 'Scrambled'.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A couple of images from 'Scrambled', directed by returning Killer63 participant Bonnie Robinson. In which a couple kids are playing with fake blood, something that many a indie horror filmmaker can identify with. As you might imagine, things get more complicated than that, in what I thought was a very 'Tales from the Crypt' kind of story.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The current Mayfair schedule, featuring the listing for this year's Killer63 screening. Sadly enough, this may end up being the last schedule ever for the theatre. Let's all hope for a good old fashioned movie magic miracle to keep the place up and running.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's been an age since an update (sorry), but posts will be happening much more frequently now as Killer63 films are being shot and edited and nearing finished product.

The Mayfair is all booked and confirmed for November 15th at the late late show (not sure the exact start time, somewhere around 11PM).

The above couple of pictures are from 'The Cinema Ghoul', written and directed by Paul Gordon.